The Mini Major by SEVEN MX is in its SEVENTH year running and as we expanded to the East Coast in 2020 we are now expanding with an overall Championship held in the middle of the country for all mini riders to compete at. The focus of the Mini Major is on the youth riders and this event offers more class options so that riders can find their sweet spot and skill level. We have set out to offer these class options so that riders get their chance to race at an event with a large national vibe without having to compete against the fastest riders in the country. It’s all about taking away those reasons a rider would have not to line up on the starting gate.
The Mini Major West April 27 – May 1 is the longest running of the coast to coast event. This year we moved the date to accommodate for the Championship event and riders are just a few short weeks away from lining up. Pre registration is live if you CLICK HERE and if you are looking for overnight parking the map is filling up quickly so CLICK HERE. As the Mini Major West has grown over the last seven years we have seen it hosted by Milestone MX and State Fair MX. The size of the event has now outgrown State Fair MX and we are excited to be in the planning stages for the 2023 Mini Major West to be hosted by the world Famous Glen Helen Raceway! Lot’s of room, great infrastructure and a rough motocross track with great elevation changes!
The Mini Major East returns to Monster Mountain in Tallassee Alabama for 2022 and we were so impressed with how well the track was prepared we can’t wait to come back to this historic location. Rider counts had a large leap in signups over year one on the East and now that we have established a home for the Mini Major at Monster Mountain we look forward to seeing the numbers reach our West Coast success.
The idea from the beginning was to have an East vs West final Championship and put it right in the middle of the country. After visiting several tracks we have landed on hosting the event at Freestone MX! This track hosted pro nationals and holds one of the biggest amateur races of the year. لعبة مباشر It’s an amazing facility with great infrastructure, parking and a world class team of staff who are excited to make this a great event. This Championship event will decide in one weekend where the fastest riders come from, the EAST or the WEST! Riders will need to compete in an East or West Coast Mini Major round in order to secure a prime gate pick.
We are super excited for all the sponsor support making this a fun event. SEVEN has been with us since the first event and we are stoked to be with the brand into this new growth. رهانات كرة القدم Their technology, quality and look of racing and casual wear is second to none. STACYC has been providing after racing fun for the past three years and all the stops on the Mini Major Series have STACYC tracks ready to host racing. استراتيجية لعبة روليت The list of sponsors all contribute to great rider support and after racing activities. We are on the hunt for additional partners to create exciting experiential activations so email aaron@cmxrs.com for details. We also have vendor space available! Additional sponsors creating value and fun for the riders are BTO SPORTS, PRO TAPER, OGIO, and incredible contingency support from KTM, Husqvarna and GAS GAS! Make sure to also check out Walters Mercedes Benz at the West event as they are THE dealership for the perfect moto van!
We thank all the riders and families for their continued support and we look forward to seeing you at one or more of the Mini Major by SEVEN stops this year! Lots more info coming soon as we get closer to kicking off the 2022 season!