Purchase Gate/Camping Fees for Loretta Lynn’s Vet Regional HERE

Minor Release Please print minor release for minor riders who will be attending with someone other than parents prior to coming to track. The release needs to be signed by both parents and notarized before coming to the track. ربح المال مجانا All minors attending this event without parents must come with notarized statement from Parents or legal Guardian giving permission for another adult to act as Authorized Adult to sign releases. لعبة روليت مجاني See website for example under Minors Consent Tab. Please present both documents at registration.
Race Information:
- AMA Membership must be purchased/renewed PRIOR to arriving at the track.
- Registration for Loretta’s qualifying classes must be done at MX Sports PRIOR to coming to Freestone.
- Registration for Freestone support classes MUST BE DONE ONLINE prior to coming to track under online registration tab. (Online registration open Mon. June 8th-Tues. June 16th at 11pm.) No paper registration will be done at track
- Gate/Camping Fees must be purchased online PRIOR to arriving at track (online purchasing link to be posted soon)