Freestone wants to thank all the riders that supported the 20th Annual FMF Texas Night Series. It was a great series this year even though we had several rain makeup dates, everyone did their best to attend the events. We want to thank all our event sponsors and OEM’s for their continued support. We look forward to continued growth with the Texas Night Series.
Due to the extreme weather across the midwest through the east coast leading up to the final round of the series, the arrival of our Texas Night Series gold cups was delayed. If you are in the Houston area and want to pickup locally (anytime after June 9th), please contact us via contact form include rider name, class, contact phone. Schedule for Houston pickup deadline is June 9th. You may also pickup your cups if you are attending the Loretta Lynn’s regional this weekend June 7th-9th at the track. Anyone who doesn’t schedule for pickup, following the regional they will remain at the track for the next event July 13th. Freestone wants the riders to get your awards, but due to size and delicate nature we want to minimize handling them to prevent damage. We will do our best to work with you all on getting your gold cup. Please contact us with any questions.
*Shipping the cups is not available