Mini bike racers have an opportunity to take advantage of some track time at Freestone Raceway at The Mini Major Championship by Seven Nov 10th – 12th. A lot of Texas mini bike racers each year make the transition to attending large format races all over the state. Attending the race tracks on the lineup in the FMF Texas Winter Series can be intimidating. They are national caliber race tracks that typically get more bumps and ruts than other race tracks in the state.
The Mini Major Championship by Seven offers a variety of classes for mini bike racers from beginners to more advanced. The Mini Major series was developed to help racers get into the sport and get comfortable racing on National caliber race tracks, but without the national caliber pressure. Anyone who has attended a Mini Major event will tell you how much fun it is! You don’t want to miss out on bringing your mini bike racer to their events!
Every racer can attend this event. You do not need to qualify to race The Mini Major Championship by Seven. Bring out your kids to come check out one of the funnest race track facilities in Texas. We have fishing ponds all around the pits, Stacyc tracks, pit bike tracks. It is a lot of fun playing in the dirt at Freestone Raceway. We look forward to having everyone at the Mini Major Championship by Seven!
Full Event Details Click Here!

The 25th Annual FMF Texas Winter Series information is below just two months away kicking off New Years weekend! Click here for full details!